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This is my rifle. There are many like it but this one is mine.

On the whole, weapons are players choice. If you know that you’re absolutley amazing with the CAR SMG, more power to you buddy, have at it. For reference, here’s a quick TTK (time to kill) sheet that I found over at Symthic.com. I’ve copied it over to our google docs so that I know it will always be available for use even if the original owner, clarkkent434, shitcans his copy: http://bit.ly/1BoZm1d Again, all credit goes to Symthic user clarkkent434 on this one.

That being said, I do like to have a diversity in Tactical Abilities. I find that two people alternating active radar pulses works wonders. At the very start of the match, if you don’t drop Titans immediately, make sure that your point man activates his pulse around 10-15 seconds in. This is the sweet spot for the typical team clashing time. Right about now, the quicker enemy players will be in range and your entire squad will be ready.

Once it wears off, you can trade point and have the next guy call out targets. Which is the point here, so make sure that you’re telling your squad the location of enemy players – or their absence. The half a second that it takes you to say ‘Our front is clear’ is plenty of time for your squad mates to focus their attention to your flanks and can help avoid early game respawning.

I prefer cloaking to stim, but both certainly have their uses. A cloak in the hands of DomeSpace is lethal for the enemy. Zain is more of an in your face player, so the stim or ARP are better choices.

Also, cloaking guys, use a fucking suppressor. There’s no point in being transparent if you show up on the map as a big red dot.

Affirmative Action.

This is one time where forcing diversity is a good thing. We typically run around in a four man squad. Sure, for TF, we’d ideally have 6, but that isn’t always the way that things work out.

For our squad Titans, I like to have 2 Ogres, 1 Atlas and a Stryder. I also prefer a variety of

Each Ogre starts with 10500 AHP (armored hit points – small arms fire has little effect) and comes equipped with a shield core which overcharges your shields. If you save the ability for when your shield is low, it will almost immediately recharge your shield allowing you to stay in combat longer. Two Ogres can sustain a TON of damage, particularly if they juggle it well. Combined with a Particle Wall and a Vortex Shield, they are almost impossible to take down.

I personally prefer a Triple Threat using the Mine Field weapon mod on my Ogre. This allows me to lob grenades over buildings and other obstacles as an enemy Titan seeks cover behind them. It also minimizes the effectiveness of an enemy who is effectively using cover to strafe back and forth since any mine that isn’t detonated will stick in place patiently awaiting his next strafe before detonating. Also useful inside structures when pilots are trying to sneak in shots.

One Atlas kitted out for rapid fire damage dealing provides all of the firepower needed to take down enemy Titans while the Ogres soak damage. Here I like the 40mm Cannon with Burst Fire. The rounds are deadly to both Pilots and Titans. The rate of fire proves effective against the jumping bean pilots who elude the slower heavy grenades of a Triple Threat. In addition, there’s no charge time on the 40mm, so you can have sloppy aim and not lose effectiveness.

For my ordinance slot, I prefer Cluster Missiles. There is no friendly fire in TF, so if you have two Ogres tanking your front lines for you – cover them in a cluster or two. Your squad mates won’t be damaged by the ensuing explosions but it will discourage enemy mechs from taking them on directly.

If a Stryder fills our forth slot, then we have some utility. This is not to say that the Stryder is a support mech – quite the opposite. A Stryder can quickly dash around a building and emerge behind enemy Titans to engage their flank. If they turn on him, a few dashes land him back behind the relative safety of the Ogre wall where he can recharge shields.

The XOTBR-16 Chaingun packs a serious punch. If you can dash around your enemy while keeping your reticle on them, there’s almost no way that they can kill you before they find themselves ejecting. This tactic only truly works when the Stryder has enough room to move around. In tight quarters, there’s no place to dash. Even pros will find the Stryder’s 5500 AHP insufficient when they lack the mobility of open ground.

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